Ship the moniez!!!

Posted by zof on 2013-11-16 at 12:00 AM

Ok all my previous posts where me bitching bout how bad I ran… so I figured I d do a blog post when I m making some $ as well… To put it in pictures September was like:


October was meh…

And November is something like this so far:


To take things from the beginning I was feeling very down on my luck bout poker and was thinking of cashing out and quitting at some point… but idk everytime i come close… miracles happen and I start binking again… so I can keep going… One day I had bricked everything and was like fuck it I ll play one last turbo donkament and if I dont bink prob withdraw my money… Couple hours later boom +4k in the account… lol it doesnt sound real but thats what happened… obv I was super happy bout it… Then I took the winnings to the plo tables…

Hah yea I know I m a degen but cant help it anyway this time I think Im finally startin to get a grasp of that game and a little bit of rungood among the 2k swings certainly helped…


And last Sunday Im like lets play a few donkaments… sattied in for an 1k euro buyin tournie but unfortunately busted like 280th/1450 or so entrants… and 180 ppl got paid… so that was unfortunate but was def exciting to play such a high buyin… anyway i regged for a few more games and ended up binking a 30euro for bout 1.1k but most importantly that was a promotion of a small french site to become the “emperor” of the site :p Anyway I had to beat the previous one in a headsup sng and then beat a new challenger everyday… the prize is 500 euros for each victory… so far I ve beat 6 of them and hope to keep it up and keep the 500euro bills coming…
Heres the sweet graph:


So I guess theres hope after all… gl at the tables PokerGurus :p

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